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Our Qualified SWPPP Developer (QSD) & Qualified SWPPP Practitioner (QSP) services provide clients with the following:


-  Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) 

- Notice of Intent (NOI) & WDID#

- SWPPP Amendments

- Stormwater Inspections

- Stormwater Sampling

- Annual Reporting 

- Notice of Terrmination (NOT)

From working with a design team to receive permit coverage prior to the start of a construction project, to working with the field personnel throughout the duration of construction, Stormwater Pros keeps their clients in compliance by staying up-to-date on various permit requirements, communicating professionally, and providing documentatiion.

Plan Preparation & Permit Approval

If your proposed project needs a stormwater plan prepared to receive coverage under various federal, state, and/or local permits, Stormwater Pros will prepare the stormwater plans that your project needs, and assist in the permit approval process. 

If your project disturbs 1 acre or more of soil, and requires coverage under the California Construction General Permit (CGP), our experienced staff will prepare a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) and a Notice of Intent (NOI) for your project. We will file your project's NOI on the State of California's Stormwater Multi-Application Tracking System (SMARTS) website, and provide clear direction on how to certify documents via SMARTS to receive a Waste Discharge Identification Number (WDID#) and begin construction activities. 

If your project disturbs less than an acre of soil, it may require a Water Pollution Control Plan (WPCP). Stormwater Pros will prepare your project specific WPCP.


Our goal is to provide our clients the stormwater plans their projects need in an efficient manner, and assist in making the permit approval process through SMARTS and local agencies as simple and affordable as possible, so that they can save time and expand their budgets. 

Stormwater Inspections 

To ensure compliance, Stormwater Pros provides Qualified SWPPP Practitioner (QSP) services to complete mandated stormwater inspections, associated report documentation, and stormwtater sampling services to our clients throughout the duration of construction. 

Once construction commences, per the SWPPP and CGP guidelines, our QSP will communicate with the Contractor to schedule and perform required weekly and rain triggered inspections, as well as any required stormwater sampling. As part of our inspections, we provide the necessary documentation, update the project's SWPPP, and debrief the the Contractor on what was observed during each inspection. 

The SWPPP is a dynamic living document, and needs to be kept up-to-date to reflect current site conditions and avoid enforcement penalties. Maintaining stormwater compliance is our main priority so that we can successfuly protect our clients. 

Stormwater Sampling

If your project is a Risk Level 2 or 3 and requires stormwater runoff sampling during qualifying rain events (defined as half an inch or greater of rainfall) that produce discharge(s), our QSP will perform sampling and analysis for pH and turbidity at each discharge location, and collect a minimum of 3 samples per day. 


Our experienced staff record the results and prepare Annual Reports on SMARTS to summarize the results throughout the compliance reporting year. If samples are not within the Numeric Action Levels (NALs) set forth in the SWPPP and CGP at the time of collection, we help identify the problem and implement best managment practice (BMP) solutions until the site achieves compliance. Our goal is to collect compliant stormwater samples treated by temporary BMPs, and make it easy for the landowner to review and certify Annual Reports online.

Project Closeout & Permit Termination

When construction is completed, we conduct a final site walk, document final stabilization, prepare a photo log and associated exhibit, and file a Notice of Termination (NOT) via SMARTS to terminate permit coverage. 

© 2020 by Stormwater Pros, LLC.

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